Convert DHCP IP to Static IP on Network Interface(s)


  1. Get the Network Adapter with DHCP enabled from Win32_networkadapterconfiguration
  2. Map MACAddress from step 1 to MACAddress from Win32_NetworkAdapter to retrieve InterfaceName
  3. Set the static IP with NETSH using InterfaceName and values from Step 1


NAME: DHCP-To-Static
AUTHOR: SivaMulpuru
COMMENT: Covert DHCP IP on the Network Adatper to Static
1.0 12/7/2011 – Initial release
NOTE: Run as Admin
$WMINetworkAdapterConfObjs = Get-WmiObject -Query select * from Win32_networkadapterconfiguration where dhcpenabled = true and ipenabled = true
foreach ($WMINetworkAdapterConfObj in $WMINetworkAdapterConfObjs)
$IPAdderss = $WMINetworkAdapterConfObj.IPAddress
$IPSubnet = $WMINetworkAdapterConfObj.Ipsubnet
$DefaultIPGateway = $WMINetworkAdapterConfObj.DefaultIPGateway
$DNSServerSearchOrder = $WMINetworkAdapterConfObj.DNSServerSearchOrder
$WINSPrimaryServer = $WMINetworkAdapterConfObj.WINSPrimaryServer
$MACADDRESS = $WMINetworkAdapterConfObj.MACAddress
$WMINetworkAdapterObj = gwmi -query Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter where MACAddress = ‘$MACADDRESS’
$InterfaceName = $WMINetworkAdapterObj.NetConnectionID
if($DNSServerSearchOrder.Length -gt 1)
#Set DNS
cmd.exe /c netsh interface ipv4 add dnsservers `”$InterfaceName`” $DNSServerSearchOrder[0]
cmd.exe /c
netsh interface ipv4 add dnsservers `”$InterfaceName`” $DNSServerSearchOrder[1] Index=2
#Set DNS
cmd.exe /c netsh interface ipv4 add dnsservers `”$InterfaceName`” $DNSServerSearchOrder Index=1
if($WINSPrimaryServer -ne $null)
#Set Wins
cmd.exe /c netsh interface ipv4 add winsservers `”$InterfaceName`” $WINSPrimaryServer
#Set Static IP
cmd.exe /c netsh interface ipv4 set address `”$InterfaceName`” static $IPAdderss $IPSubnet $DefaultIPGateway


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