Manual XenDesktop Setup Wizard

This post will provide guidance to programmatically creating VM’s, add them to Citrix Provisioning services and finally add them to XenDesktop Controller Catalog and Desktop group.
Restricted to XenServer (Hypervisor), Citrix PVS 5.6+, XenDesktop 5+

  • Make sure the hosting providor (Xenserver) is added in XenDesktop Desktop Studio.
  • Create a Template VM with all the required settings (Dynamic Memory, PXE nic, Write-Cache Disk etc..) on the XenServer.
  • Make a note of the Template UUID, this info can be retried from XenCenter or using xe commands.
  • Create how many machines you want using the following script (needs to be run in the ssh or console session of xenserver host)
    [code language=”bash”]
    #Create 100 VM’s
    while [ $COUNT -lt 101 ]; do
    VMName=XDWin7`printf "%03d" $COUNT`
    `xe vm-install new-name-label=$VMName template-uuid= sr-name-label=`
    #Get Virtual Disk Image (Write-Cache-Disk) UUID
    VDIuuid=`xe vbd-list vm-name-label=$VMName type=Disk params=vdi-uuid | grep -o ‘[A-Za-z0-9-]\{36\}’`
    #Set Virtual Disk Image (VDI) Name same as VM Name
    `xe vdi-param-set uuid=$VDIuuid name-label=$VMName`
    let COUNT=COUNT+1
    The code above creates 100 machines named XDWin7001-XDWin7100, I would run them in batches of 30 and choose different Storage repository to prevent performance deterioration as explained in this citrix blog sizing-luns-a-citrix-perspective
  • Get VM Name, PXE Nic MAC Address and VM uuid of the newly created machines
    [code language=”bash”]
    # loop through 100
    while [ $COUNT -lt 101 ]; do
    VMName=XDWin7`printf "%03d" $COUNT`
    #Get VM uuid
    VMuuid=`xe vm-list name-label=$VMName params=uuid | grep -o ‘[A-Za-z0-9:]\{36\}’`
    #Get PXE Nic Mac address
    MAC=`xe vif-list device=0 vm-name-label=$VMName params=MAC | grep -o ‘[A-Za-z0-9:]\{17\}’`
    #print VM Name, PXE MAC and uuid
    echo $VMName,$MAC,$VMuuid
    let COUNT=COUNT+1
    run this from a ssh session, makes it easier to copy the result. Paste it in to a notepad and save it as XDVMInfo.txt (C:\Scripts\XDVMInfo.txt)
  • using powershell, create the PVS commands to add these 100 machines
    [code language=”powershell”]
    $data = Get-Content C:\Scripts\XDVMInfo.txt
    foreach ($dataline in $data)
    $vmName = $dataline.Split(",")[0]
    $mac = $dataline.Split(",")[1]
    Write-Host "MCLI.exe add Device -r deviceName=$vmName deviceMac=$mac collectionName=<collectionname> SiteName=<site name>"
  • On the PVS box, open the command prompt and navigate to where the MCLI.exe resides (C:\Program Files\Citrix\Provisioning Services). Run the commands generated from the above step in this command prompt.
  • Using PVS console, set the vDisk assignment to these 100 machines (Copy and paste device properties….) and create machine accounts from context menu by selecting all devices in the collection.
  • Copy C:\Scripts\XDVMInfo.txt to XenDesktop Desktop Studio Box and run the following powershell script.
    [code language=”powershell”]
    Add-PSSnapin *Citrix*,*pvs*
    $data = Get-Content C:\Scripts\XDVMInfo.txt
    Set-PvsConnection -server ‘PVS IP’ -port 54321 -domain ‘domain name’
    foreach ($dataline in $data)
    $vmName = $dataline.Split(",")[0]
    $mac = $dataline.Split(",")[1]
    $sid=(Get-SimplePvsADAccount -domain ‘domain name’ -name $vmName).sid
    New-BrokerMachine -CatalogUid <CatalogUid> -HostedMachineId $VMuuid -HypervisorConnectionUid <HypervisorConnectionUid> -MachineName $sid -AdminAddress ‘<XD-Broker>:80’
    CatalogUid and HypervisorConnectionUid can be retrieved using Get-BrokerCatalog and Get-BrokerHypervisorConnection respectively.
  • Using Desktop Studio gui add these new machines to the desired desktop group.

Reason for doing this way is to avoid fast clones created by XenDesktop Setup Wizard and to avoid copying machines when migrating existing machines from one xenserver pool to another or from one SAN to another.
Hope this has been informational. 🙂

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