Step 1: Enable SNMP via Global INI
Service=snmpd disable=no community=public
Note: Reboot the wyse client after the ini is set.
Step 2: Send reboot command via snmpset
snmpset.exe -r: -c:"public" -o:. -val:0 -tp:int
for snmpset please visit
Reboot immediately -val:0
Reboot with a minute delay -val:1
-r:host Name or network address (IPv4/IPv6) of remote host.
-c:community SNMP community string for SNMP v1/v2c. Default: private
-o:var_oid Object ID (OID) of SNMP variable to SET.
-val:value Variable value to SET.
-tp:type Type of variable to SET. Supported: int,uint,str,hex,oid,ip.
Default: str
Works on ThinOS 8.4