Add-WindowsCapability might fail in some scenarios in SCCM environments. Try the following to workaround the issue RSAT feature list
Author Archives: Siva
Export and Import user assignments from one Citrix RemotePC to another
$srcRemotePC = ‘DomainName\65TELW19’$destRemotePC = ‘DomainName\65TELW20’Get-BrokerUser -PrivateDesktopUid (get-BrokerPrivateDesktop -MachineName $srcRemotePC ).Uid | | %{ if($_.Upn -ne “”) {Add-BrokerUser -Machine $destRemotePC -Name $_.Upn}}
Set Citrix RemotePC PublishedName Match with Hostname
Get-BrokerPrivateDesktop | % {Set-BrokerPrivateDesktop -PublishedName $_.MachineName.Split(“\”)[1] }
Identify VDI workers that blue screened in vSphere
Typical recommendation in VDI is to turn off OS Memory dump collection and auto reboot on the bluescreen. Optimization tools from citrix/vmware take care of this setting automatically. But this masks the events if there a real issue with master image. Following PowerShell snippet will provide information if any of the worker vm’s have crashed. …
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Mapping Printer for All Users on Windows
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /n\\server\printer ref >
Good places to find installer silent switches and post optimization/cleanup tasks to JSON manifest files
How does browser know what Certificate to provide for Client Cert Authentication
Ever wonder how the browser provided the client cert when multiple are available for the user? The answer is the server that is requesting the client cert for authentication has an option to ask for the cert that is signed by a specific Distinguished Name CA, which is part of the server communication. You can …
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Powershell Get Citrix Current Session Logon Time
WFAPI disconnect sessions that exceed certain idle time [override policy]
Automate Citrix Session Launch for Load tests or health probing
Requirements Citrix Workspace app Version 1808 for Windows or later. Storefront Store needs to have http auth module enabled. Step 1: Retrieve Resource Name of the app/desktop you would like to automate “C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client\AuthManager\storebrowse.exe” -U <username> -P <password> -D <domain> -M 0x2000 -E “https://<storefrontserver>/Citrix/<storename>/discovery” First column of the output would have the resource …
Continue reading “Automate Citrix Session Launch for Load tests or health probing”