Identify VDI workers that blue screened in vSphere

Typical recommendation in VDI is to turn off OS Memory dump collection and auto reboot on the bluescreen. Optimization tools from citrix/vmware take care of this setting automatically. But this masks the events if there a real issue with master image. Following PowerShell snippet will provide information if any of the worker vm’s have crashed. …

Sign Scripts/EXE’s with Powershell

Note: codesign cert needs to exist under the user’s personal store. TimestampServer is recommended as the script signing would still be honored even the cert that used for signing expires in the future, timestamp server from DigiCert is used as an example, any popular public timestamp server will do.

PowerShell code to remove DriveLetters for “System Reserved”Partition and CD-ROM

Depending on how the OS is installed, with Citrix PVS capture you may end up with “System Reserved” partition consuming a drive letter, Code below could be used during a machine startup script to provide a clean user experience. Also, included CD-ROM which I used for PVS BootISO and it is not really needed once …

Citrix Monitoring ODATA API

Citrix provides access to Monitoring Data via ODATA API, I find it useful to extract session info to a very granular level [eg: by mintue]. This is the same data Citrix Director uses to present the fancy usage graphs but as you expand to longer time series it averages it and you might not get …

DUO ADMIN API Functions through PowerShell Forked from Duo-PSModule by mbegan, added new Administrator Activation Link functions. this automates the provisioning process to the duo admin console and lets you create the account with just corp email whereas GUI forces you to enter temp password and require to key in the user’s phone #.

Extract MFA/StrongAuth information from all Azure/O365 users

MSOnline PowerShell module is required to run this, the new AzureAD commandlets do not appear to have the strong authentication properties yet. Run the following PowerShell lines to load and connect to your Azure/o365 tenant. Powershell snippet below gets all user from the tenant and expands StrongAuthenticationUserDetails property to retrieve the enrolled MFA info and …

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