Citrix Monitoring ODATA API

Citrix provides access to Monitoring Data via ODATA API, I find it useful to extract session info to a very granular level [eg: by mintue]. This is the same data Citrix Director uses to present the fancy usage graphs but as you expand to longer time series it averages it and you might not get …

Extract HDX/ICA Connection info from Citrix Monitoring Database

Follow OData Connection to Citrix Delivery Controller to create a connection to Citrix monitoring data.for XenDestkop version 7.0 – 7.5 use http://{ddc-host}/Citrix/Monitor/OData/v1/Datafor XenDestkop version 7.6 and 7.7 use http://{ddc-host}/Citrix/Monitor/OData/v2/Datafor XenDestkop 7.8 and above use http://{ddc-host}/Citrix/Monitor/OData/v3/Data Output Use-Cases Usage trends Capacity planning Auditing

Delay VDA registration for XenDestop/Xenapp

Step 1: Disable BrokerAgent Service from services.msc on the worker VM. Step 2: Create schedule task for enabling BrokerAgent and starting the service after 15 mins of system start on the worker VM. Note: Use system account to run this task. Step 3: Increase the RegistrationDelay timeout on the DDC/Brokers to 30 mins (Default: 20 …

Publish Outlook 2016 in XenApp

Download Office 2016 Administrative Template files and import ADML and ADMX files to C:\windows\PolicyDefinitions GPO settings below are just a recommendation, Please review and pick  ones that apply to you. Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office 2016 (Machine)/Updates Enable Automatic Updates > Disable User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office 2016/First Run Disable First Run Movie > Enable Disable Office …

Powershell: Set Mouse Pointer Scheme to NONE for XenDesktop VM's

Why to do this? Better user experience; reduced cpu load on zero client devices like xenith compared to aero mouse scheme. Powershell Script [code language=”powershell”] $RegConnect = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey([Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive]"CurrentUser", "$env:COMPUTERNAME") $RegCursors = $RegConnect.OpenSubKey("Control Panel\Cursors", $true) $RegCursors.SetValue("", "") $RegCursors.SetValue("AppStarting", "") $RegCursors.SetValue("Arrow", "") $RegCursors.SetValue("Crosshair", "") $RegCursors.SetValue("Hand", "") $RegCursors.SetValue("Help", "") $RegCursors.SetValue("IBeam", "") $RegCursors.SetValue("No", "") $RegCursors.SetValue("NWPen", "") $RegCursors.SetValue("Scheme Source", 0, …

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