Identify VDI workers that blue screened in vSphere

Typical recommendation in VDI is to turn off OS Memory dump collection and auto reboot on the bluescreen. Optimization tools from citrix/vmware take care of this setting automatically. But this masks the events if there a real issue with master image. Following PowerShell snippet will provide information if any of the worker vm’s have crashed. …

Video Conferencing on VDI could bring down your Network

Problem With XenDesktop USB Passthrough, when a webcamera (ordinary/HD) is used, a huge load is put on the network as raw image data is transferred between thinclient and the VM. for example idle traffic on a VDI machine can be viewed in the following screenshot.(Agent registration, edgesight monitoring etc..) When a web camera is turned …

Wyse Xenith Configuration (tested with firmware version 1.5)

xen.ini ;************************************************************* ;* SivaMulpuru * ;* 20110719 * ;* Config File for Wyse Xenith * ;************************************************************* EnableCacheINI=No ;************************************************************* ;* UserExp * ;************************************************************* #Path=ftp://XenithFtpServer/wnos/bitmap/test.bmp – Default is Center DESKTOP=test.bmp DesktopColorDepth=32 Device=audio volume=high mute=0 ;************************************************************* ;* Firmware * ;************************************************************* # AutoLoad=[0, 1, 2, 101, 102, 201, 202] – Disable=0 Refer Admin Manual # AutoUpdate Frimware with out …

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