XenDesktop 5 USB Rules/Filter – WebCamera

This post provides a way to filter out USB video devices to allow only the standard one chosen by your organization, in this case QuickCam Communicate Deluxe. === Start of device information ======================= Device name: QuickCam Communicate Deluxe USB Vendor ID (VID): 0x046D USB Product ID (PID): 0x0992 USB Revision (BCD): 0x0005 Firmware Version: 2.70.7037 …

Video Conferencing on VDI could bring down your Network

Problem With XenDesktop USB Passthrough, when a webcamera (ordinary/HD) is used, a huge load is put on the network as raw image data is transferred between thinclient and the VM. for example idle traffic on a VDI machine can be viewed in the following screenshot.(Agent registration, edgesight monitoring etc..) When a web camera is turned …

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